Article |
Monthly |
"Heterogeneity and Risk-Sharing in Thai Villages." Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Krislert Samphantharak, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl, and Robert M. Townsend. Quantitative Economics, Forthcoming 2014. |
risk; household finances; entrepreneurship |
Article |
Monthly |
"Dynamic Financial Constraints: Distinguishing Mechanism Design from Exogenously Incomplete Regimes." Alexander Karaivanov and Robert M. Townsend. Econometrica, Forthcoming. |
financial constraints; mechanism design; structural estimation and testing |
Article |
Annual / CDD |
"An Evaluation of Financial Institutions: Impact on Consumption and Investment Using Panel Data and the Theory of Risk-Bearing." Mauro Alem and Robert M. Townsend. Annals Issue of the Journal of Econometrics in Honor of Bill Barnett, Forthcoming. |
economic risk; informal financial markets |
Article |
Other |
"Accounting for the Poor," Robert M. Townsend. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(5), October 2013: 1196-1208. |
household finances; risk; networks |
Article |
Other |
"The Great Equalizer: Health Care Access and Infant Mortality in Thailand," Jonathan Gruber, Nathaniel Hendren, and Robert M. Townsend. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6(1), January 2014: 91-107. |
healthcare; infant mortality |
Project document |
Annual |
"Data Summary for 2005 - 2009 Urban Annual Resurvey," Hoai-Luu Nguyen (2013). |
data summary |
Article |
Monthly |
"Village Economic Accounts: Real and Financial Intertwined" Archawa Paweenawat and Robert M. Townsend. American Economic Review 102(3): 441-46. |
risk; financial Markets; household finances; networks |
Article |
Monthly |
"Kinship and Financial Networks, Formal Financial Access and Risk Reduction" Cynthia Kinnan and Robert M. Townsend. American Economic Review 102(3), May 2012: 289-293. |
formal and informal financial sectors; household finances; risk; networks |
Article |
Monthly |
"Measuring the Return on Household Enterprise: What Matters Most for Whom?" Krislert Samphantharak and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Development Economics 98(1), 2012: 58-70. |
household behavior; household finances; entrepreneurship |
Article |
Annual / CDD |
"The Impact of Credit on Village Economies." Joseph P. Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 4(2), April 2012: 98-133. |
micro-credit; policy analysis |
Article |
Annual / CDD / Other |
"The Geographic Concentration of Enterprise in Developing Countries." John Felkner and Robert M. Townsend. Quarterly Journal of Economics 126(4), 2011: 2005-5061. For 2009 working version: PDF |
agglomeration; financial deepening; inequality |
Article |
Annual / Monthly / SES |
"A Structural Evaluation of a Large-Scale Quasi-Experimental Microfinance Initiative." Joseph Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend. Econometrica 79(5), September 2011: 1357-1406. |
micro-credit; policy analysis |
Article |
Monthly |
"Wealth Accumulation and Factors Accounting for Success." Anan Pawasutipaisit and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Econometrics. 161(1), March 2011: 56-81. |
inequality; saving; wealth accumulation |
Article |
Annual / Environmental |
"Financial Systems in Developing Economies: Growth, Inequality, and Policy Evaluation in Thailand." Robert M. Townsend. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. |
economic development; inequality; finance |
Article |
Annual / SES |
"Welfare Gains from Financial Liberalization." Robert M. Townsend and Kenichi Ueda. International Economic Review 51(3), August 2010: 553-597. |
financial liberalization; welfare gain; financial deepening; economic growth |
Article |
Monthly |
"Households as Corporate Firms: An Analysis of Household Finance Using Integrated Household Surveys and Corporate Financial Accounting." Robert M. Townsend and Krislert Samphantharak. Econometric Society Monograph Series No. 46, December 2009. |
household behavior; household finances |
Article |
Monthly / Environmental |
"Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production in Thailand." John Felkner, Kamilya Tazhibayeva, and Robert M. Townsend. American Economic Review 99(2), May 2009: 1-10. |
economic development; agriculture |
Article |
"Growth and Inequality: Model Evaluation Based on an Estimation-Calibration Strategy." Hyeok Jeong and Robert M. Townsend. Macroeconomic Dynamics Special Issue on Inequality 12; Supplement S2, September 2008: 231-84. |
inequality; wealth constraints; self-selection; model evaluation |
Article |
"Sources of TFP Growth: Occupational Choice and Financial Deepening." Hyeok Jeong and Robert M. Townsend. Economic Theory Special Edition Honoring Edward Prescott 32(1), July 2007: 179-221. |
total factor productivity; occupation choice; financial deepening |
Article |
Annual |
"Selection Into and Across Credit Contracts: Theory and Field Research." Christian Ahlin and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Econometrics 136(2), February 2007: 665-98. |
contract theory; adverse selection; mechanism design; joint liability; micro-credit |
Article |
Annual |
"Using Repayment Data to Test Across Models of Joint Liability Lending." Christian Ahlin and Robert M. Townsend. Economic Journal 117(517), March 2007: F11-F51. |
financial markets; mechanism design |
Article |
Other |
"Financial Markets and Poverty: An Algorithm for Policy-based Research and Research-based Policy." Robert M. Townsend. Chapter 1 in proceedings of 2004 Inter-American Development Bank conference. |
financial markets; empirical research design |
Article |
Annual |
"Distinguishing Limited Liability from Moral Hazard in a Model of Entrepreneurship." Alex Karaivanov, Anna L. Paulson, and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Political Economy 114(1), February 2006: 100-144. |
financial markets; market imperfections; moral hazard |
Article |
Other |
"Credit, Intermediation, and Poverty Reduction," in Understanding Poverty. Robert M. Townsend. Eds: Abhijit Banerjee, Roland Benabou, Dilip Mookherjee; Oxford University Press, 2006. |
financial markets; economic development |
Article |
Annual / SES / CDD |
"Financial Deepening, Inequality, and Growth: A Model-Based Quantitative Evaluation." Robert M. Townsend and Kenichi Ueda. Review of Economic Studies 73(1), January 2006: 251-293. |
financial deepening; economic inequality; growth; transitional dynamics |
Article |
Annual / Environmental / SES |
"Financial Constraints and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Thai Financial Crisis." Anna L. Paulson and Robert M. Townsend. Economic Perspectives, Third Quarter 2005, Vol. 29, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, pp. 34-48. |
firm performance; economic shocks; entrepreneurship; financial markets |
Article |
Annual / SES / Other |
"Evaluation of Financial Liberalization: A General Equilibrium Model with Constrained Occupation Choice." Xavier Giné and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Development Economics 74(2), August 2004: 269-304. |
economic development; income distribution; credit constraints; financial liberalization |
Article |
Annual |
"Sampling Design for an Integrated Socioeconomic and Ecological Survey by Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Ordination." Michael W. Binford, Tae Jeong Lee, and Robert M. Townsend. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(31), August 2004: 11517-11522. |
sample stratification; correspondence analysis; economic risk |
Article |
Annual |
"Entrepreneurship and financial constraints in Thailand." Anna L. Paulson and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Corporate Finance 10(2), March 2004: 229-262. |
entrepreneurship; financial constraints |
Article |
Annual |
"Micro Credit and Mechanism Design." Robert M. Townsend. Journal of the European Economic Association, 1(2-3), 2003: 468-477. |
general equilibrium; asymmetric and private information; financial markets |
Article |
Annual |
"Policies and Impact: An Evaluation of Village-Level Microfinance Institutions." Joseph P. Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend. Journal of the European Economic Association 3(1), January 2005: 1-50. |
financial markets; microeconomic analyses; economic development |
Article |
Other |
"The Credit Risk Contingency System of an Asian Development Bank." Robert M. Townsend and Jacob Yaron. Economic Perspectives Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Third Quarter, 25, 2001: 31-48. |
financial markets; economic risk; policy analysis |
Article |
Other |
"Consumption Insurance: An Evaluation of Risk-Bearing Systems in Low-Income Economies." Robert M. Townsend. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(3), Summer 1995: 83-102. |
economic risk; insurance; economic development |
Article |
Other |
"Financial Systems in Northern Thai Villages." Robert M. Townsend. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(4), November 1995: 1011-1046. |
financial markets; economic risk |
Article |
Other |
"Understanding the Structure of Village and Regional Economies." Robert M. Townsend. In Contract Economics, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, Lars Werin and Hans Wijkander, eds., 1992: 114-148. |
contract theory; economic risk; asymmetric and private information |
Working paper |
Other |
"Economic Development and the Equilibrium Interaction of Financial Frictions." Benjamin Moll, Robert M. Townsend, Victor Zhorin. NBER Working Paper No. 19618. |
entrepreneurship; financial constraints; firms |
Working paper |
Monthly |
"Portfolio Choices and Risk Preferences in Village Economies." Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Krislert Samphantharak, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl, and Robert M. Townsend. Working Paper. |
economic risk, entrepreneurship; firms |
Working paper |
Monthly |
"Villages as Small Open Economies." Archawa Paweenawat and Robert M. Townsend. Working paper. |
economic risk; informal financial markets |
Working paper |
Monthly |
"Sharing Wage Risk." S. Bonhomme, Pierre Andre Chiappori, Robert M. Townsend, and Hiroyuki Yamada. Working paper. |
economic risk |
Working paper |
Other |
"Risk and Return in Village Economies." Krislert Samphantharak and Robert M. Townsend. Working paper. |
economic risk; informal financial markets |
Working paper |
"Commodity Price Shocks, Consumption and Risk Sharing in Rural Thailand." Robert M. Townsend and James Vickery. Working paper. |
economic risk; economic shocks |
Working paper |
Annual |
"Land Security in Rural Thailand: Evidence from a Property Rights Reform." Xavier Gine. Working paper. |
property rights; economic risk |
Working paper |
Monthly |
"The Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production: Heterogeneity and Uncertainty." Kamilya Tazhibayeva and Robert M. Townsend. Working paper. |
economic development; agriculture |
Working paper |
Other |
"Ownership Matters: the Geographical Dynamics of BAAC and Commercial Banks in Thailand." Juliano Assuncao, Sergey Mityakov, and Robert M. Townsend. Working paper. |
financial access; firms; financial markets |
Working paper |
Other |
"Segregated Security Exchanges with Ex Ante Rights to Trade: A Market-Based Solution to Collateral-Constrained Externalities." Weerachart Kilenthong and Robert M. Townsend. NBER Working Paper No. 20086. |
financial access; firms; financial markets |
Student paper |
Annual |
"Access to Capital in Rural Thailand: An Estimated Model of Formal vs. Informal Credit," Xavier Giné (2001). |
asymmetric and private information; financial access; inequality |
Student paper |
Annual |
"Microfinance in Rural and Urban Thailand: Policies, Social Ties and Successful Performance," Adriana de la Huerta (2011). |
policy analysis; financial markets |
Student paper |
"Sources of Kuznets Dynamics in Thailand," Hyeok Jeong (2000). |
inequality; policy analysis |
Student paper |
Annual |
"Financial Contracts and Occupational Choice," Alexander Karaivanov (2003). |
financial constraints; entrepreneurship |
Student paper |
Monthly |
"Distinguishing Barriers to Insurance in Thai Villages," Cynthia Kinnan (2010). |
insurance; economic shocks; economic risk |
Student paper |
Other |
"Internal Capital Markets in Business Groups," Krislert Samphantharak (2002). |
firm performance; capital markets |
Student paper |
Annual |
"The Government's Helping Hand: A Study of Thailand's Agricultural Debt Moratorium," Suchanan Tambunlertchai (2004). |
agricultural performance; debt; policy analysis |
Student paper |
CDD / SES / Other |
"Essays in Banking and Risk Management," James Vickery (2004). |
economic risk; financial markets; contracts |
Student paper |
CDD / Other |
"Unequal Provinces But Equal Families? An Analysis of Inequality and Migration in Thailand," Liu Yang (2004). |
inequality; migration |
Student paper |
Monthly / Other |
"Empirical Essays in Development Economics," Kamilya Tazhibayeva (2011). |
inequality; migration |
Project document |
Annual |
"Founding and Membership of Local Financial Institutions in Semi-Urban and Rural Thailand," Joseph Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend (1999). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"Lending Services of Local Financial Institutions in Semi-Urban and Rural Thailand," Joseph Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend (1999). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"Savings Services of Local Financial Institutions in Semi-Urban and Rural Thailand," Joseph Kaboski and Robert M. Townsend (1999). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"Data Summary for 1997 Household Survey," Adriana de la Huerta (2009). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"Data Summary for 2005 Minister of Finance Initial Household Survey," Adriana de la Huerta (2009). |
data summary |
Project document |
Monthly |
"The Summary of The Monthly Household Survey of Thailand on Labor Issues," Robert M. Townsend and Hiroyuki Yamada (2007). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual / Monthly |
"Instruments and Data Comparability: A Progress Report," Suchanan Tambunlertchai (2009). |
data evaluation |
Project document |
Monthly |
"Appreciation of Land Values in Rural Economies of Thailand," Narapong Srivisal (2010). |
data evaluation |
Project document |
Annual |
"BAAC Dataset Summary Document," Akshay Birla (2009). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"Data Summary for 1997 Key Informant Survey: Growth, Inequality, and Organizational Design," Liang Feng (2009). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"Data Summary for 1998 - 2007 Key Informant Resurvey: Growth, Inequality, and Organizational Design," Nate Roth (2010). |
data summary |
Project document |
Annual |
"The Use of Financial Instruments in Thailand: 1997 - 2009," Esteban Puentes (2011). |
data summary |